The laser can be easily applied to automation equipment.
It can be controlled easily with PLC of existing automation equipment, so it can be easily used by users. DC type Laser and RF type Laser can be used, making it suitable for the user's environment.
Since the laser driving part is one module type, it is convenient to install and the power can be efficiently used by using single phase 220V.
All of our products can be customized according to your needs and work environment.CO2 glass tube laser (50W~180W),
CO2 RF tube laser(30W~400W)
Easy to install because it is made to be a single module and it is easy to install.
Affordable high efficiency with low cost DC type laser
You do not need to use a controller to control the PLC program and power management to apply it to automation equipment.
It is very easy and simple to install in automation equipment which needs various lasers because it is made as one module as slim as possible.